Disc Dispatch

2nd Annual City of Chickasaw Championship presented by Westside Disc and SkySouth

City of Chickasaw Championship OB Caddy Guide PDGA LIVE SCORING PASSWORD: MattyO POOL A: PLAYS RESERVATION 1ST ROUND, SAW RD2 MPO, FPO, MP40, MP60, MA1, MA2, MA40 B POOL: PLAYS SAW 1ST RD, THE RESERVATION RD2 FA1,MA50,MA60,MA3, FA3,MA4,FA4 9:00 AM SHOTGUN START ***IF A PLAYER DOES NOT SHOW UP FOR TEE TIME, USE THE REMOVE PLAYER BUTTON ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PDGA LIVE SCORE CARD SCREEN AND NOTIFY TD VIA TEXT OR PHONE CALL, DO NOT DELAY TEE OFF IF POSSIBLE. The SAW 1. Parking lot and on or beyond service road OB: Curb is OB (MUST BE ON GRASS!) 2. On or over service road OB 3. Surrounded by water ONLY 4. Surrounded by water and backyard fence OB 5. PLAY AS DESIGNED 6. On or over fence/sidewalk OB; SERVICE ROAD IS CASUAL AND PLAYED AS IT LIES 7. PLAY AS DESIGNED 8. MANDO PLAYS LEFT: IF missed, proceed to drop zone with 1 stroke penalty 9. Over playground fence OB 10. Played as designed 11. Mando played left of sign: missed Mando proceed to drop zone 1 stoke penalty;Surrounded by water OB 12. Surrounded by water and HWY43 OB 13. Surrounded by water OB; road and over neighborhood wall OB 14. Surrounded by water and over neighborhood wall OB 15. Surrounded by water and Faircloth Pickleball Courts OB 16. Surrounded by water OB 17. Mando played left of sign: missed Mando proceed to drop zone 1 stroke penalty 18. Surrounded by water OB
 SPECIAL NOTEs: 1. NO PARKING AT LIBRARY. PARKING AVAILABLE ALONG HOLE 1 and CHURCH PARKING LOT ON HWY 43 near school buses near hole 10 2. 3 minute time limit for locating lost disc should be strictly adhered to. No players are to enter water during competition hours (WATCH FOR ALLIGATORS AND SNAKES!) 3. Please only utilize Tournament Central amphitheater for lunch and tournament business LUNCH PLATES SERVED DURING BREAK AT CITY POOL PARK (CASH OR DIGITAL PAYMENTS ACCEPTED) The RESERVATION ALL water features throughout the course are played with CASUAL RELIEF (even if you're surrounded by water, free relief will be given to players along the original line of the throw to the FIRST AVAILABLE dry/safe spot BEHIND the hazard) 1. over or under fence OB 2. ditch has casual water 3. '' " ROAD OB 4. PLAYED AS DESIGNED 5. “ “ W/ROAD OB 6. “ “ 7. Over fence OB, 2 METER RELIEF FROM FENCE 8. Over fence OB; Over road OB (curb is OUT, must be on grass) 2 METER RELIEF FROM FENCE 9. Over fence OB, CASUAL DITCH WATER AND OVER DITCH IS IN BOUNDS, 2 meter relief from fence 10. Surrounded by water IS CASUAL 11. Surrounded by water IS CASUAL 12. Played as designed 13. Over fence OB (2 meter relief) 14. ROAD AND ACROSS OB 15. Casual water 16. NO RELIEF FOR FENCE 17. OVER FENCE OB 2 METER RELIEF 18. ON OR ACROSS ROAD SPECIAL NOTES: PLEASE BE COURTEOUS IN SCHOOL PARKING LOT. WATCH OUT FOR SNAKES and WASP All cards are expected to rule their own calls or violations, if in doubt THROW A PROVISIONAL!!! TDs can be reached via cell phone (CALL AND/OR TEXT BOTH) for both courses at the following numbers: 
Matt 251-214-3797 Kevin 251-402-9383 2 round, PDGA C-tier singles format held in Chickasaw, Al. Two courses (located 5 min away) in play with Pros/MA1/AM40 starting at the Saw. All others start at The Reservation. All am players receive AUTOGRAPHED MATTY O disc at check in. Make sure to play the ace pot and get in some raffle action! Divisions will flip courses around noon and have a chance to rest up and purchase lunch plates available at the amphitheater. ALL FEMALE, JUNIOR DIVISIONS and MA4, MA50. MA60. MA70 ONLY PLAYING RED TEES AT BOTH COURSES After 2nd round results post, we’ll finish payouts and maybe get a photo or two with the host by Mobile Disc Golf Paparazzi! Please don’t hesitate to get in on this and be crowned CHICKASAW CITY CHAMPION!

2nd Annual City of Chickasaw Championship presented by Westside Disc and SkySouth


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