Disc Dispatch

AJ Open - MA1, MA3, MP40, MA50

MDGO Gold Level Feature Event and stop #5 on the DB Series! 24 berths for the ams and $750 added for the pros! WIN A GRIP BAG, ONE FREE ENTRY INCLUDED WITH YOUR ENTRY!! DISCRAFT Player's Pack disc featuring the futuristic 2024 DB Series art! Several of the latest and greatest Michigan molds will be on hand at check in! We will be giving away a Chris Dickerson AX5 Grip Bag EACH DAY! Lots of sweet runner-up disc prizes as well! Bruce's Bad Ass BBQ will be on site with their unmatched meats and sauces! Cash payments only. Two challenging rounds of 18 holes on the sacred grounds of Mason County Park! All divisions will play one round each on Beauty and Beast, courses (and layouts) featured in the Michigan Am State Championship! Trophy and CTP's for every division! Discs and tees with the 2024 Series art will be available! We'll have three raffles over the weekend! There will be a Chainstar Lite raffle all weekend for $5 and a separate drawing for discs and Dickerson Grip after each round two! PERSONALIZED TROPHY FOR EVERY DIVISION WINNER! Beauty: 1-2, 4-5, 7-12, 14-20, 24 Beast: 1-4, 7-8, 10-17, 21-24 Excluding ALL female options, three players are required for a division. Pros, ace hitters and 50/50 CTP winners will be paid via Paypal within 12 hours of the completion of the event. Lunch will last 45-60 minutes after the last card is turned in. Added pro cash is split over both days. Berths will be divided based on sign ups at the close of registration for day one. Payouts will be provided using the standard PDGA payout scale. Amateur payouts will be provided by Disc Baron in the form of coupons to Disc Baron online store www.discbaron.com. Coupons will be distributed via email after the event is complete. Payouts must be claimed online. Payouts will not be available onsite. Coupons must be used in one transaction and no change will be provided. There will be no physical players meeting, all details will be posted here and emailed to all registered players Friday evening. We will NOT be using PDGA Live Scoring as the official scorecard for the event due to lack of cell coverage. However, live scoring will be live for anyone able to use it. Paper scorecards shall be readily available. Playoffs: We will be using a 3-hole aggregate for any divisional winners on their second round course. If still tied after 3, play changes to sudden death. Beauty: 1, 17, 18 then continue to 19, 20, 24 then back to 1 if necessary Beast: 1, 11, 12 then continue to 13, 14 then back to 1 if necessary Pass-Through Fees: $3 Disc Baron Series Fee $4 TD and Greens Fee $3 PDGA Player Fee As an MDGO Feature Event Sponsored by Discraft, your payout is only good for the following items, online or in-person: - Discraft Branded Products (Discs, Apparel, Bags and Accessories) - Disc Baron Branded Product (This excludes any Disc Baron stamps on any brands besides Discraft) - Zuca or Rovic Products and Accessories - Non Manufacturer Branded Accessories - I Dye Poly, Pro Chem Dye, Vinyls, etc Please be aware of any and all PDGA Rules of Play and the PDGA Competition Manual. You must be a PDGA Member to play in this event as it is a B-Tier for all players. You need not be present to win the basket but must be for any CTP's or daily raffle items. The 2024 Disc Baron Series is a season-long points series. Players are awarded points based on placement at each event. The top players in each division are rewarded at end of the season.

AJ Open - MA1, MA3, MP40, MA50


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