Disc Dispatch

Backbone Veteran Open Pros Presented by Rohrbach Brewing Co. Sponsored by Dynamic Discs

The Backbone Veteran Open Presented by Rohrbach Brewing Co. Sponsored by Dynamic Discs Edit Changes were made do to the number of players signed up. The tournament is now a 1 day 2 rounds Saturday Nov. 9th. The added cash is $2600. Everyone is now playing at Parma and the Field is capped at 72 players. You can withdraw with full refund until day Sat Nov. 9th. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Backbone Disc Golf Trophies for all divisions. All Pro divisions will play 2 rounds Saturday. MPO, MP40, MP50 will play Blue Tees to White Veteran Baskets both rounds. FPO will play at Parma White Tees to White Veteran Baskets both rounds. Divisons of 3 or fewer will be combined. All pros will receive a custom caddie book from Rapid Rivers Disc Golf. Veterans if you register after October 15th your mini will be mailed to you. Payouts / Fee Schedule: $2600 added cash will be split among all divisions. $80 all Pro divisions. We will pay out the top 40% via PayPal to your registration email within 48 hours of the events completion. Awards, Food and Tastings will be at Johnny D's Family Restaurant Saturday After final round 4pm-6pm Johnny D's Family Restaurant address is 2139 N. Union St, Spencerport, NY 14559 about 4 miles from Parma Disc Golf Course. They will have fried food, Beer, Soda available for purchase. Rohrbach Brewing Co. will be there also for tastings. OUT OF BOUNDS AT PARMA Parma Hole 1 Past Blue Flags left, Long and right Out of Bounds. Inside Blue Flags surrounding creek is Out of Bounds Parma Hole 2 Past Blue Flags long and right out of bounds Parma Hole 3 Past Blue Flags left out of bounds Parma Hole 4 No out of Bounds Parma Hole 5 Past Blue Flags left out of bounds Parma Hole 6 No out of Bounds Parma Hole 7 Past Blue Flags left and long Out of Bounds Parma Hole 8 Past Blue Flags left, right and long Out of Bounds Parma Hole 9 No Out of Bounds Parma Hole 10 Inside the Blue Flags surrounding the pond is Out of Bounds Parma Hole 11 No Out of Bounds Parma Hole 12 No Out of Bounds Parma Hole 13 Right of Blue Flags is Out of Bounds Parma Hole 14 Left of Blue flags is Out of Bounds Parma Hole 15 Left of Blue Flags is Out of Bounds Parma Hole 16 Inside Blue flags surrounding the creek and and Right of Blue flags is Out of Bounds Parma Hole 17 Left of Blue Flags is Out of Bounds Parma Hole 18 Island Green: Any throw from the Tee must come to rest on the Island Green to be able to mark on the Island Green. Throws from the Tee that don’t come to rest on the Island Green must proceed to the Drop Zone with a penalty throw. Dropzone marked with 2 white blocks. All other throws use normal OB rules. The Island is defined by Blue Flags

Backbone Veteran Open Pros Presented by Rohrbach Brewing Co. Sponsored by Dynamic Discs


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