Disc Dispatch

Flex the Halls at Nani: Christmas Eve Day

Lucky Ace Alamo City Flex is a traveling C-Tier for the San Antonio and surrounding Areas! The Lucky Ace Pot will start at $65, plus whatever is payed into it on the day of the event. Optional Paid CTP: Eternal Flex Lasso (Lucky Ace Variant) on hole 1 (short for everyone) Free CTP for anyone wearing Christmas attire: Lucky Ace Merry Discmas P2 on hole 5 Flex start from 12:00-3:00pm. You have to sign up here on Disc Golf Scene, but registration won’t close until last card is sent off. It takes a minimum of 3 players to make a card, and no more than 5. Layouts: Open, MA1, MA2 & FA1 will play longs, except on holes: 1, 10, 14, 19-21 (short) Everyone else will play shorts, except holes: 2 & 15 (long). Live Scoring Access Code: Happy Holiday Pros will be paid via PayPal and Ams will receive online vouchers to the Lucky Ace Pro Shop / luckyacediscs.com. Fee Breakdown: $20 ($18 payouts / $2 PDGA)

Flex the Halls at Nani: Christmas Eve Day


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