Disc Dispatch

NEDG presents The Quaker Knoll Cowan Lake Championship

Check out our website for some great discs https://www.neweradiscgolf.com/ This event will be a sanctioned C tier two round event with one round at Quaker Knoll and one round at Cowan Lake. Pros will have some longer pads mixed in to their layout at Quaker Knoll. Discs will be on site for payout immediately following the second round for Ams and Pros will receive funds via PayPal within 24 hours of the tournament ending. We will be set up after round two at the shelter at Cowan Lake. This will be our first tournament of what we hope is two in Wilmington this year. A division must have three people unless approved by TD. There is an optional $5 ace fund. If no aces are hit, we will throw off for the ace fund. We will send out a players email 24-48 hours before the tournament with all event details. Our website is fully functional now. We are adding discs daily and working on making it more user friendly. https://www.neweradiscgolf.com/ Check back often for more details

NEDG presents The Quaker Knoll Cowan Lake Championship


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