Disc Dispatch

onday Qualifier DGPT Texas State Championships presented by Lone Star Disc

MONDAY QUALIFIER !!! https://texasstatediscgolfchampionship.org/ “For the 2024 season, each DGPT Event may optionally hold a singular play-in event the same week as the tournament (one round early in the event week, typically on Monday) that will award two (2) FPO and two (2) MPO spots in the official tournament.” MPO plays Brock Premiere- FPO plays Brock Diamond- RATINGS MINIMUM OF - 935 MPO / 825 FPO 3 "qualifiers" per playing group min. NO NON-QUALIFYING PLAYERS IN GROUPS Winner get $50 entry fee applied to DGPT entry. There is no payout. Tee times start at 1pm !!!!! *To avoid potential rain HQ will be in main lot. Rules and more info ASAP !!!

onday Qualifier DGPT Texas State Championships presented by Lone Star Disc


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