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Prodigy presents WACO - Am and Age Protected

PDGA A-Tier $8000 Added - $3000 Cash AP Pro Divisions - $5000 Merch Am Divisions Amateur Player Pack worth well over entry fee! All three rounds will be tee times. Greatest Player Party on Tour on Saturday night! Featuring : Games / Live Music / DG Vendors / Food Trucks / Adult Beverages The BEast will be in the DGPT layout with all the course assets up. Lake Waco Golf Club will be DGPT layout with all course assets up. Cameron Park layout will be 18 holes. (1-4, 10-23) Start on hole 21 next to the Redwood Shelter. Spectator tickets to the WACO are available on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-prodigy-presents-waco-tickets-777724513957 Lake Waco Golf Club Caddy Book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TpmwbYfODlRNNS-difymKBJ0PM548jMV/view?usp=drive_link BEast Caddy Book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TgyzSARB51naynkrNXkkOW2mf-gTy5zb/view?usp=drive_link Cameron Park Rule Sheet: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y11wto3hxwdc7o66farck/2024-WACO-AM-AP-Pro-Rule-Sheet.docx?rlkey=7xl5af84waq3dsn7e2hooik65&dl=0

Prodigy presents WACO - Am and Age Protected


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